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- C. S.Mahto, Officer- in-Charge
- Norma M.Tirkey, Computer Assistant
- ShriSikander, Lab Attendant
The main objectives of ARIS cell are:
- To impart quality education to the UG and PG students of all the colleges of the University and to develop human resource specialized in various aspects of Computer Science.
- To provide networking and internet facilities at the faculty level.
- To put information close to manager and scientists who will use it.
- To improve the capacity of research organization to organize, store and retrieve information relevant to their mandates.
IT Based Facilities:
- Internet and E-Mail connectivity to all Students, Scientists / Officers and other faculty members of the Faculty through LAN and Wi-Fi.
- Existing campus LAN(Intranet) connected to National Knowledge Network (NKN) through 1 Gbps link.
- Internet facility is made available at every LAN node through proxy server with 100 Mbps speed and also through Broadband connection back-up.
- In order to cater scientific community for their statistical analysis work is being executed, the cell has procured a number of readymade licensed statistical software such as Statistical Analysis Software (SAS) and Indostat for LAN computers.
- LAN is authenticated for viewing and requesting the resources (abstracts, full text book, online Journals) on J-Gate at jgateplus.co.in (Consortium on e-Resources in agriculture).
- Access to IP authenticated portals of IASRI, New Delhi for online analysis of Agricultural research data and Data-mining.
- Centralized Network printing facilities.
Technical Services:
Staffs of ARIS cell are engaged in providing following technical services:
- Conducing computer-training programme for faculty staffs and students.
- Maintenance of all LAN/Wi-Fi &computer related equipment of the faculty.
- Campus LAN (Intranet) maintenance and its connectivity supervision.
- Maintenance of official E-mail database of the employee.
- Guidance to explore/download course materials from e-Resources in Agriculture and e-Learning Portal on Agricultural Education of ICAR.
- Teaching of Computer related courses of UG, PG and Ph. D. degree programmes.
- Assisting the staff and students of the Faculty in doing Statistical Analysis through Advanced statistical software.
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