Directorate of Students’ Welfare

Dr. B. K. Agarwal
Mobile: 9431222937
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Our Mandate
- Personality development of students.
- Leadership development.
- Physical development.
- Social skill development and engaged in hygiene campaign, blood donation and plantation.
- Aware about social evils.
The office of the Directorate of Student Welfare provides ample scope, opportunities and facilities for the all round development of personality and leadership qualities among the students. Students participate effectively in the management of hostels, food services, games & sports, cultural and literary activities, professional societies in each college under the guidance of staff counsellor.
Simultaneously with the inception of the University Directorate of Student’s Welfare came into being. The objective was to organize activities like, debate, elocution, sports, cultural and other recreational activities, placement, study tour and coordination of all schemes related to fellowship/scholarship and students hostel management apart from maintaining discipline among the students.
Duties and Responsibilities of Directorate of Student’s Welfare
- To arrange for congenial living environment in the campus including Hostels for the students.
- To monitor day to day essential support required for academic and co-curricular activities of students.
- To arrange for special care for the weaker and needy sections of students.
- To prepare plan and execute programmes for holistic development of the students.
- To enable students to participate effectively in the management of Hostels and also in organization of the students related activities.
- To work with Hostel Wardens, Sport Counsellors, Cultural Officer for all matters related to Students’ Welfare.
- To keep in touch with the guardians as and when required.
- To arrange for maintenance of students’ discipline in the University.
Facilities provided by Directorate of Students’ Welfare
1.0 Fellowship/ Scholarship
- Merit and Merit-cum-means scholarship @ Rs. 350/- and Rs. 300/- per month, to Post-graduate and undergraduate students, respectively, of all the three faculties viz. Agriculture, Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry and Forestry to 10% students of the intake capacity.
- All the students belonging to SC/ST categories are also awarded District Welfare Scholarship (E- Kalyan) @ Rs. 425/- per month.
- Seventy five present of intake capacity of post graduate students in Agriculture, Veterinary Science & Animal Husbandry, Forestry and College of Biotechnology are awarded fellowship @ 1500/- per month in M. Sc./ M.V. Sc. and Rs. 2000/- per month in the Ph.D. programmes.
- University Grant Commission also provides Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship to SC/ST students for M.Sc./MV Sc./Ph.D. programme.
- Undergraduate student belonging to states other than Jharkhand and admitted through ICAR receive National Talent Scholarship @ Rs. 3000/- while PG student @ Rs. 5000/- per month.
- National fellowship for Scheduled Tribe students also provide by Govt. of India.
2.0 Internship
Students of Veterinary Science undertake intensive Internship programme for one year after completion of the graduate course requirement in which Internship allowance @ Rs. 3000/- per month per student is awarded.
3.0 Thesis Grant
Student submitting research thesis as a requirement for award of either M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree are provided Thesis grant @ Rs. 1000/- and Rs. 1200/- respectively.
4.0 Sports Meet/Youth Festival
- AGRI-UNISPORTS (2017) held on 25th to 29 March at CCS university of Agril. & Technology, Hissar. of participants-40 students.
- AGRI-UNISPORTS (2018) held on 30th to 03rd Feb. at Bengluru. No. of participants-40 students.
- AGRI-UNISPORTS (2019) held on 2nd to 5th at PAU, Ludhiyana. No. of participants-40 students.
- AGRI-UNISPORTS (2020) 1st to 5th March at Sri V.A. University, Tirupati, Andhara Pradesh. Total no. of participants-40 Students
- AGRIUNIFEST (2018) held on 12-16 Feb. at Venkateswara Veterinary University Tirupati, Andhra Predesh. Total Participants – 22 Students
- AGRI-UNIFEST (2019) held on 3rd to 07th at Agricultural University, Sardar Krushinagar, Banaskantha, Gujrat. Total no. of participants – 22 Students.
- AGRI-UNIFEST (2020) held on 8th to 12th at IGKV, Raipur (MP). Total no. of participants – 24 Students.
Medical Facilities
- Medical services are provided through a qualified medical officer at H.Q and all other reputed hospitals in Ranchi through Mediclaim as well as in Govt. Hospitals.
- Ambulance facility is available at H.Q. for transferring emergency patient to Medical college Hospital, Ranchi.
Mediclaim Facilities
University has implemented a Mediclaim policy for the students of the university under these facilities for reimbursement of treatment bills up to the extent of Rs. 2.5 lakh in a year are available in different hospitals. The provision for insurance of accidental death of student also exists to the extent of 4.0 lakh.
Other Students Activities
Youth Festival Organized by University
Time to time we organized Youth festival, Annual sports, Inter university sports for students.
During last five years we organized as:
- Chancellor Trophy (2017) held on 30th April to 2nd May at BAU, RANCHI.
- First Jharkhand Inter-University Youth Festival (2019) held on 25th to 28th, May at BAU, Kanke, Ranchi. Total no. of participants – 40 Students.
- Inter University Chancellor Trophy (2019) held on 7th to 9th BAU, Ranchi.
- Faculty and Inter faculty cultural and sports programmes were also organized.
- Sarhul Puja, Birsa Jayanti, Foundation Day celebration organized.
- General Health checkup camp, Eye Camp, Blood Donation camp,
- Special motivational lecture
Facilities for Sports, Games and Literary Activities
All the required facilities for games, sports, cultural and literary activities have been provided to students. There are 4 sports field in the university. Athletic coaches are engaged who trains students as per their need. Each hostel has been provided with table tennis set, Badminton Court, Basket ball court and other in-door games. University has developed a Gymnasium with all essential Gym items at a place where in-door game facilities are also available. Students of Agriculture, Veterinary and Forestry faculties have been provided with all essential cultural instruments required for cultural programmes. At University level, games and sports activities are looked after by University Sport Coordinator who is nominated by Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of Director Students’ Welfare while at Faculty level by I/c Sports nominated by respective Deans. Similarly cultural/literary activities at University level are looked after by University Cultural Coordinator while at Faculty level by I/c Cultural/ Literary Society.
University Students Hostel
University is having altogether 26 students’ hostels out of which 13 are for girls while rest 13 are for boys. The entire hostels are equipped with modern facilities like computer, internet, Wi-Fi, telephone and common rooms with magazines, news papers and T V. Each hostel is having indoor game facilities. One Gym has also been provided to each boys and girls hostel. In each hostel, mess is being managed by the University as well as by students and equipped with modern essential items. Each hostel is connected with generator to ensure uninterrupted power supply.
Railway Concession for Students
Railway concessions are provided to students during education tour, for participation in Educational Tour, National Level Debate, Elocution, Research Convention, Youth Festival, Games & Sports Meet and holidays to visit native place.
Alumni Association
The Association of old students of the University exits to keep close contact with the alumni and provides an opportunity to highlight their achievements in various fields of endeavours. It organizes various activities for the benefit of old students.
Student counselling and Placement cell
Final year students are provided guidance in seeking higher education in India and abroad and also the fellowship/scholarship available for these studies through a counselling cell. A staff member helps and guides the final year students in securing admission and fellowship for higher studies.
- Students after admission to Undergraduate and Post-Graduate degree programmes are assigned to teachers for counselling and guidance.
- Orientation Programme for students is organized in each College on College level.
- Extra coaching classes organize for competitive examinations.
Anti-Ragging Programme
Directorate of Student’s Welfare is mainly responsible for preventing ragging in the University campus. With the co-operation of Deans/Assoc. Deans/Wardens of various hostels and members of anti-ragging committee constituted for the purpose.
Students qualified the Agriculture Field Officer (AFO) exam conducted by IBPS.