Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Ranchi

Dr. D. K. Shahi
Mobile: 9431371709
Landline: 0651-2450626
Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Agricultural education is one of the important mandates of agricultural university which in Birsa Agricultural University is undertaken by Faculty of Agriculture. Till 2016, the faculty had only one agricultural college viz. Ranchi Agricultural College (RAC). In 2017, three new agricultural colleges have been established i.e. Tilka Manjhi Agriculture College, Godda, Agriculture College, Garhwa and Rabindra Nath Tagore Agriculture College, Deoghar with intake capacity of 50 in each college, at the same time intake capacity of Ranchi Agricultural College has been increased from 50 to 80 thereby making the total intake capacity to 230. Up to 31st March 2016 the faculty produced 1280, 533, 144, 57, 73, and 04 number of B.Sc (Hon’s) Agriculture, M.Sc. Agriculture, Ph.D., MBA (ABM), M.Sc. (Biotech) and M.Tech. (Agril. Engg.) students, respectively.
Since its inception in 1955, Ranchi Agricultural College has adhered to the quality standards of education. The students of the College can be found in almost all fields of service i.e. teaching, research, extension, development, management, marketing, finance, insurance and bureaucracy. Maintaining standards has been possible due to tireless effort of the dedicated team of the faculties. Though agricultural education is the state subject, but the college has been receptive and proactive towards national and global changes in instructional technology and education methodology. This year the faculty implemented Fifth Dean’s Committee Recommendation so that our students could compete at national level.
It is our sincere efforts that student not only becomes a good technocrat and professional but also a good human with strong values and ethics. This is ensured through frequent co-curricular and extra-curricular activities including sports, and cultural activities. The faculty continues its bondage with alumni through Annual Meet of Alumni of Ranchi Agricultural College (ARAC).
The faculty has been able to achieve height and maintain standards due to guidance and leadership of Vice-Chancellor, co-operation of State Government and Indian Council of Agricultural Research, dedication of teachers and discipline, commitment and motivation of students. I see a bright future of the faculty and hope that with united and concerted efforts we will continue to create milestones.