Faculty of Agriculture
The foundation stone of Ranchi Agricultural College was laid by the then Agriculture Minister Late Dr. Anugrah Narayana Singh on 15th August, 1955 which was inaugurated by Late Dr. Srikrishna Singh, the then Chief Minister of Bihar on 29th January, 1959. Till the formation of Rajendra Agricultural University, Bihar, Pusa in 1971, it was part of Ranchi University. It was transferred to Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi after its formation on 26th June, 1981. It is located at Ranchi-Patratu Road, about 8 Km north of Ranchi, 13 and 20 Km from Ranchi Railway Station and Ranchi Airport, respectively. Its location stands 85° 19′ East longitude, 23° 17′ North latitude and 625 meter altitude above mean sea level.
- Promote science based agricultural education and research. All Departments to be equipped to meet challenges in Agriculture & allied sectors.
- Enforce strict discipline among the students. Helping them in all possible ways to prepare for National level competitions.
- Incorporate Information Technology (IT) in Teaching, Research and Extension activities for enhanced efficiency.
- Assist State Government for policy analysis and prescriptions.
Educate agriculturally dependent population through open and distant learning programme. - Develop linkages for commercial application of agricultural research output.
Future Thrust
- To develop Ranchi Agricultural College as one of the best agricultural colleges in the country.
- To strengthen experiential learning programme so that maximum number of entrepreneurs could be produced.
- To establish foreign collaborations in teaching, research and extension.
- Adoption of INM, IPM for crops & cropping systems in large areas.!!
- To establish and promote innovation lab.
- To initiate and promote online academic exchange programme.
- To make the campus fully wi-fi.
- To strengthen curricular research
- To develop and promote institution-industry linkage.
- Web-portal for academics
- Human Resource Management System
- Financial Management System
Salient Achievements
- E-Classroom and Smart Classroom
- Networking of departments and units
- Strengthening of RAWE and ELP
- Strengthening of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
- Block level soil fertility map
- Integrated farming system model
- Two varieties of linseed viz. Divya (BAU-06-03) for irrigated condition in 2014-15 and Priyam (BAU- 2012-1) for rainfed condition in 2015-16 have been released at national level.
- Dobha technology
- IVRS integrated Call Centre
- Farmer-oriented IT-enabled Services(ITeS) like Web-portal in local language, LCMS and Guided SMS