Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand

( A State Government University )

Research Projects

Indian Council of Agricultural Research Funded Projects: Details of sixty-one outside funded projects including 38 All India Coordinated Research Projects have been presented below:TABLE-1: RESEARCH PROJECTS IN OPERATION DURING 2014-15(A) ICAR Funded Projects:

Source of FundingFacultyTitle of ProjectYear of Starting
(i) AICRPsAgriculture(35)AICRP on A.P .A.01.04.2004
AICRP on Utilization of Animal Energy01.06.2009
AICRP on Post Harvest Technology01.08.2009
AICRP on Renewable Sources of Energy01.05.2009
AICRP on Groundnut01.04.2001
AICRP on Soybean01.04.1975
AICRP on Small Millets01.04.1975
AICRP on Sesame-Niger01.04.1971
AICRP on Under Utilized Crops01.04.1985
AICRP on N.S.P.01.04.1987
AICRP on Rice Improvement01.04.1980
AICRP on Pigeon Pea01.05.2009
AICRP on Rapeseed-Mustard01.04.1987
AICRP on Weed Control01.04.1987
AICRP on I.F.S.01.04.1983
AICRP on Micro & Secondary Nutrients & Pollutant Elements in soils & Plants.01.04.2009
AICRP on Floriculture01.04.2001
AICRP on Tuber Crops01.08.1987
AICRP on Cashew01.04.2009
AICRP on Spices01.04.2009
AICRP on Tropical Fruits01.04.2009
AICRP on Medicinal & Aromatic Plant and Betdvine01.04.2008
AICRP on Dryland Agriculture01.04.1971
Vetrinary(3)AICRP on Pigs
AICRP on Poultry
AICRP on Goat01.04.2009
Forestary(1)AICRP on Agro-Forestary01.04.1987
(ii) Network ProjectAgriculture(4)All India Network Project on Soil Biodiversity – Biofertilizer01.04.2009
Network Project on Organic Farming01.04.2009
Capacity Building of Tribal in Value-Addition and Post-Harvest Management of Agri. Horticultural Crop2012-13
Molecular Marker Technology for Faster Wheat Breeding2013-14
Veterinary(1)Outreach Programme (Monitoring of Drug Residues and Environment Pollutants)01.04.2007
(iii) Mega Seed ProjectVeterinary(2)Mega Seed Project on Pig01.12.2008
Mega Sheep Seed Project01.04.2009
AICRP on Soil Test Crop Response01.04.1975 
DBTAgriculture(1)DBT-India-IRRl Network Project-From QTL to variety-marker Assisted Breeding of Abiotic Stress tolerant Rice Varieties with major QTLs for Drought01.04.2009
DSTAgriculture(2)Gene Campaign01.04.2010
NRAAAgriculture(1)Pilot Study on capitalizing Opportunities of Rice Fallow for Sustainable Livelihood Development (Dumka / Palamau / Ranchi)01.04.2009
Ministry of Agriculture, New DelhiAgriculture(2)National Horticulture Mission Spices01.04.2007
Deptt. of Atomic EnergyAgriculture(3)Development of drought tolerant Soybean Mutants having good agronomic characteristics such as short stature early manuring, high yielding and high oil percentage2014-15
Developing Synchronized and drought tolerant mungbean varieties for Jharkhand2014-15
Developing brassica mutants tolerant to soil acidity for Jharkhand.2014-15
IRRIAgriculture(3)BMG Funded project – tolerant rice for poor farmers in Africa and South Asia for drought tolerant activities at BAU.July 2009
GCP -funded project- connecting performance under drought with genotypes through phenotype associations.Nov.2008
Harvest Plus Challenge Programme2013
IPNI Agriculture(2)Site Specific Nutrient Management in Maize-Wheat Sequence30.06.2009
Assessment of agronomic and economic benefits of fertilizer use in maize production system under variable farm size, climate and soil fertility condition in Eastern India10.08.2012
IPIAgriculture(1)Effect of Potassium Application on yield in Vegetable based Cropping System30.06.2011
(D) Projects approved during 2014-15 and 2015-16: 
Agricultural Science:
1Study on Bio-efficiency of Haloxyfor 10.8% EC (w/v) in Blackgram and its residualDOW-AGROSCIENCES India
2Empowerment of Farm Women through livestock technologiesICAR
3Water Agriculture Livelihood Security in IndiaCIPT
4Assessment of mine water environment and development of suitable and cost effective mine void aqua-ecosystem for promoting fish culture in abandoned coal quarries of Coal India Limited.Coal India
5Evaluation of Nutritious Cereals (Millets) for Food and Nutritional SecurityRKVY
6Strengthening of Soil Testing Laboratory of Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry, BAURKVY
7Biofertilizer production unitRKVY
Veterinary Science :
1Progeny Testing in CattleCIRC, Meerut
2Progeny Testing in BuffaloCIRB, Hissar
3Conservation of Chhotanaguri SheepNBAGR, Kamal
Agricultural Science:  
1Resource Management in Acidic Soils of Jharkhand for Increasing Crop Productivity and Sustaining Soil HealthNFSM
2Society of Green World Sustainable EnvironmentNFSM
3Enhancing Production and Productivity of Oilseed Crops Under Resource Poor Condition of JharkhandGoI


Source of FundingFacultyTitle of ProjectYear of Starting
(i) AICRPsAgriculture(35)AICRP on Agro Meteorology01.04.1987
AICRP on FIM01.04.1980
Soil Testing (Non Plan Research)NA
AICRP on A.P .A.01.04.2004
AICRP on Utilization of Animal Energy01.06.2009
AICRP on Post Harvest Technology01.08.2009
AICRP on Renewable Sources of Energy01.05.2009
AICRP on Wheat Improvement01.04.1982
AICRP on MULLaRP01.04.1976
AICRP on Groundnut01.04.2001
AICRP on Soybean01.04.1975
AICRP on Small Millets01.04.1975
Permanent Manurial Trail (Non Plan Research)NA
AICRP on Sesame-Niger01.04.1971
AICRP on Oilseed-Linseed01.04.1971
AICRP on Under Utilized Crops01.04.1985
AICRP on N.S.P.01.04.1987
AICRP on Chickpea01.04.2001
AICRP on Soil Test Crop ResponseNA
AICRP on Forage Crops01.04.1971
AICRP on Rice Improvement01.04.1980
AICRP on Maize / BAUIM-2 / BAUIM-3 / BAUIM-401.04.2005
AICRP on Pigeon Pea01.05.2009
AICRP on Rapeseed-Mustard01.04.1987
AICRP on Weed Control01.04.1987
AICRP on I.F.S.01.04.1983
AICRP on Long Term Fertilizer01.04.1972
AICRP on Micro & Secondary Nutrients & Pollutant Elements in soils & Plants01.04.2009
AICRP on Floriculture01.04.2001
AICRP on Tuber Crops01.08.1987
AICRP on Cashew01.04.2009
AICRP on Spices01.04.2009
AICRP on Tropical Fruits01.04.2009
AICRP on Medicinal & Aromatic Plant and Betdvine01.04.2008
AICRP on Dryland Agriculture01.04.1971
Vetrinary(3)AICRP on Pigs01.11.1987
AICRP on Poultry01.04.2008
AICRP on Goat01.04.2009
Forestary(1)AICRP on Agro-Forestary01.04.1987
(ii) Network ProjectAgriculture(4)All India Network Project on Soil Biodiversity – Biofertilizer01.04.2009
Network Project on Organic Farming01.04.2009
Capacity Building of Tribal in Value-Addition and Post-Harvest Management of Agri. Horticultural Crop2012-13
Molecular Marker Technology for Faster Wheat Breeding2013-14
Veterinary(1)Outreach Programme (Monitoring of Drug Residues and Environment Pollutants)01.04.2007
(iii) Mega Seed ProjectVeterinary(2)Mega Seed Project on Pig01.12.2008
Mega Sheep Seed Project01.04.2009

AICRP on Soil Test Crop Response01.04.1975


DBTAgriculture(1)DBT-India-IRRl Network Project-From QTL to variety-marker Assisted Breeding of Abiotic Stress tolerant Rice Varieties with major QTLs for Drought01.04.2009
DSTAgriculture(2)Gene Campaign01.04.2010
DST- Rice- Fallow – Enhancing the Income of source poor farmers through introduction and expansion of improved chickpea production Technologies in Rainfed Rice Fallow Land01.04.2009
NRAAAgriculture(1)Pilot Study on capitalizing Opportunities of Rice Fallow for Sustainable Livelihood Development (Dumka / Palamau / Ranchi)01.04.2009
Ministry of Agriculture, New DelhiAgriculture(2)National Horticulture Mission Spices01.04.2007
Precision Farming Development Centre(PEDC)01.04.2009
Deptt. of Atomic EnergyAgriculture(3)Development of drought tolerant Soybean Mutants having good agronomic characteristics such as short stature early manuring, high yielding and high oil percentage2014-15
Developing Synchronized and drought tolerant mungbean varieties for Jharkhand2014-15
Developing brassica mutants tolerant to soil acidity for Jharkhand.2014-15


IRRIAgriculture(3)BMG Funded project – tolerant rice for poor farmers in Africa and South Asia for drought tolerant activities at BAU.July 2009
GCP -funded project- connecting performance under drought with genotypes through phenotype associations.Nov.2008
Harvest Plus Challenge Programme2013
IPNIAgriculture(2)Site Specific Nutrient Management in Maize-Wheat Sequence30.06.2009
Assessment of agronomic and economic benefits of fertilizer use in maize production system under variable farm size, climate and soil fertility condition in Eastern India10.08.2012
IPIAgriculture(1)Effect of Potassium Application on yield in Vegetable based Cropping System30.06.2011

(D) Projects approved during 2014-15 and 2015-16:

Agricultural Science:

1Study on Bio-efficiency of Haloxyfor 10.8% EC (w/v) in Blackgram and its residualDOW-AGROSCIENCES India
2Empowerment of Farm Women through livestock technologiesICAR
3Water Agriculture Livelihood Security in IndiaCIPT
4Assessment of mine water environment and development of suitable and cost effective mine void aqua-ecosystem for promoting fish culture in abandoned coal quarries of Coal India Limited.Coal India
5Evaluation of Nutritious Cereals (Millets) for Food and Nutritional SecurityRKVY
6Strengthening of Soil Testing Laboratory of Soil Science & Agril. Chemistry, BAURKVY
7Biofertilizer production unitRKVY


Veterinary Science :

1Progeny Testing in CattleCIRC, Meerut
2Progeny Testing in BuffaloCIRB, Hissar
3Conservation of Chhotanaguri SheepNBAGR, Kamal

Agricultural Science:

1Resource Management in Acidic Soils of Jharkhand for Increasing Crop Productivity and Sustaining Soil HealthNFSM
2Identification and Seed Production of High Yielding Pigeonpea Hybrids (Medium Maturity) Under Rainfed Upland of JharkhandNFSM
3Enhancing Production and Productivity of Oilseed Crops Under Resource Poor Condition of JharkhandGoI