Course Curriculum
Under this programme the Scientists of the university provided technical guidance to the farmers on following aspects.
- Certificate / Diploma Programmes
- Cultivation of medical Plants
- Commercial cultivation of flowers
- Management of insect and pests of different crops
- Integrated Pest management of flowers and vegetables crops
- Examination of problem specimens of different crops and suggestion of the remedial measures to the farmers
- Control measures of shoot and fruit borer in brinjal
- Management of insects and Pests of Kharif crops
- Management of leaf gall, shoot gall and leaf hopper associated with mango
- Importance of Kitchen Gardening
- Importance and methods of seed production
- Eco-friendly management of insects and pests associated with rice, pulse and vegetable.
B) Animal Husbandry
- Goat rearing
- Dairy management
- Poultry farmingv
- Bee keeping
- Rabbit rearing
- Duck and Quail farming
- Fish farming
C) Supply and Service
Soil testing During the year 2004-05, altogether 7715 soil samples were received in the soil testing laboratory from farmers of eight districts belong to sub zone IV and V. On an average 63% soil samples in sub zone IV and 58.0% soil samples in sub zone V were low in inorganic carbon status. Incase of available phosphorous, 55% and 52% soil samples were found to be low in available phosphorus in sub zone IV and V, respectively. Overall, results clearly indicated the need of N, P and K application in farmer’s field through inorganic fertilizers, organic manur and bio fertilizer for augmenting the higher productivity of crops. Bio fertilizer production During the year 2004-05, under bio fertilizer production (Plan), altogether 59735 pkts (100 g of each pkt) of Rhizobium culture for different Kharif and Rabi pulse crops were produced. In addition to this 68 pkts of Azobactor culture (100g each), 2362 pkts of PSB (100g) and 6 pkts (1 kg of each pkt) of blue green algae have been produced and supplied to different agencies.
D) Collaboration with No-Government organizations (NGOs)
The Directorate of Extension Education of the University collaborated, developed and implemented its extension programmes with various reputed NGOs working in the jurisdiction of the university. To mention, a few of them are, R. K. Mission, Ranchi; Holy cross Polytechnic, Hazaribagh; TSRDS, Jamshedpur; PDSV, Gangaghat; SPSM, Deoghar; AVP, Ranchi; Vikas Bharti, Bishunpur etc.