Future Thrust
- Strengthening teaching, research and extension education in terms of scientific manpower.
- Promotion of ICT in teaching, research and extension education.
- Strengthening research on hybrid technology, dry land technology, climate resilient technology and precision agriculture.
- Initiating Research on Nanotechnology in agriculture.
- Promoting conservation agriculture resource conservation technology, waterharvesting and micro-irrigation in the state.
- Establishment of integrated farming system (IFS) models at all the KVKs.
- Strengthening Agricultural Technology Information Centre (ATIC) at the KVKs.
- Entrepreneurship Development through Incubation for Promotion of Agribusiness.
- Launching Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) for Strengthening Transfer of Technology.
- Strengthening Research- Extension- Farmer -Market (REFM) linkage.
- Developing and Strengthening Linkages and Collaborations with National and International Organisations.
- Networking all the Departments, Zonal Agricultural Research Stations (ZARS) and Krishi Vigyan Kendras(KVKs).
- Promoting Office Automation for Administration and Accounts purposes.
- Initiating teaching research and extension education in the newly established colleges.
- Promoting Public-Private-Community Partnership (PPCP) for holistic and accelerated agricultural development of state.
- Developing BAU as one of the front ranking agricultural Universities of the country.