Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand

( A State Government University )

BAU releases high yielding seeds after years’ long research

Eleven high-yielding, early-maturing and disease-pest resistant crop varieties developed by scientists of Birsa Agricultural University (BAU) after years of continued experimentation and following different breeding techniques and protocols have been released by the Jharkhand Government.

These varieties include one each of black gram, pigeon pea, soybean, mustard, baby corn, ragi, two of brinjal and three of linseed. These varieties have a yield advantage of 15 to 20 per cent over the existing traditional varieties.

Addressing media persons on Wednesday BAU Vice Chancellor, Dr Onkar Nath Singh and Director Research, Dr A Wadood said these varieties would go a long way in increasing area, production and productivity pulses, oilseeds and vegetables because quality seed plays a major role in augmenting productivity. BAU crop breeders, directorate of seed and farms, Zonal Research Stations, Krishi Vigyan Kendras and seed villages of the state would join hands in seed production of these crops for extending its availability to farmers soon, they added.

Major features of these varieties are Birsa Urd-2, the major characteristics of this black gram variety are profuse branching, hairy long pod size with 6-7 large brown seeds. Average yield potential is 12 q perha and matures in around 82 days. Second is Birsa Arhar-2, this variety of pigeon pea has elongated and brown colored seed with 22.48 percent protein content. Average yield potential is 27.5 q per ha and matures in 235-240 days. Nest Birsa Soybean-3, this variety has oval, light yellow seed, with oil 19 per cent and protein 38.8 per cent. Average yield potential is 27.5 q perha and matures in around 115-120 days. Fourth in this row is Birsa Bhabha Mustard-1, developed in association with Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, this variety has bold seed with 40 percent oil content. Average yield potential is 14.9 q per ha and matures in around 112-120 days. Next is Birsa Tisi, this linseed variety has 34.6 percent oil content. Average yield is 11.4 q per ha and potential yield is up to 17.12 q per ha. This oilseed crop matures in around 128-130 days.

Divya this linseed variety has 39.81 per cent oil content with 60 percent Omega-3 fatty acid very beneficial for the heart. Average yield is 15.4 q per cent ha and potential yield is 21.15 q per cent ha. It matures in around 127-130 days. Next is Priyam, it has 37 percent oil content with 53 percent Omega-3. Average yield is 12.5 q per ha and potential yield is 20 q per ha. Crop matures in around 128-130 days. Birsa Baby Corn-1 was developed through participatory plant breeding using composite breeding. Baby corn harvesting starts at 48th day and continues till 65th day with 3 pickings. Average yield potential is 16.7 q per ha and matures in around 50-65 days.

Birsa Marua-3, this ragi variety has round and yellowish brown seed. Average yield potential is 28.5 q per ha and matures in around 110-112 days. Next is Birsa Chianki Bagum-1, this fruit of brinjal variety is egg shaped and purple in color. Average yield potential is 400 q per ha and matures in around 110 days. Birsa Chianki Baigan-2, the fruits are oblong in shape and purple in colour. Average yield potential is 375 q per ha and matures in around 120 days.

These varieties were released by the State Varietal Release Committee headed by Secretary Agriculture, Abubaqr Siddique on Tuesday evening after thorough discussion and compliance of queries. Other expert members present in the meeting included BAU Vice Chancellor Dr ON Singh, Director Research Dr A Wadood, Director Seed Dr Rishipal Singh, Dr Bhawna from ICAR Institute Plandu, DR SB Chaudhary from NBPGR, Dr NP Mandal and others.